Istana Social Development Foundation

Building Hopes, Transforming Lives
About Us

Advocating, Supporting, Transforming

serves as the foundational ethos for positive change. Advocacy involves passionately championing a cause, while support provides the essential groundwork through resources and encouragement. Transformation, the ultimate goal, signifies a deep and lasting shift. Together, these pillars create a strong foundation for initiatives dedicated to building a better, more equitable future, addressing issues at their core and fostering enduring positive impact.

Dec 23, 2023

Embracing the true essence of the season, Istana Social Foundation extends the gift of Noche Buena, weaving threads of joy and togetherness into the fabric of our community. This Christmas, join us in creating lasting memories and kindling the warmth of generosity that brightens not just homes, but the hearts of those we cherish.

September 1, 2023

Istana Foundation’s School Supplies Distribution, set for September 1, 2023, illuminates the path to education for young learners. Empowering futures with essential tools, this annual initiative ensures every backpack carries the promise of education. Join us in nurturing the spirit of learning and shaping a brighter tomorrow.

Dec 20, 2023

Nourishing Minds, Sowing Success: Istana Foundation’s School Feeding Program champions the holistic well-being of our community’s youth. Join us in this impactful initiative, providing nutritious meals to students every day, cultivating health, happiness, and a hunger for knowledge.

Want to make a difference?

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